Product Description and Judges Letter
Final Portfolio

The portfolio is a professional looking website which includes all of the CIBACS-related assignments completed throughout the year. It will also include all internship and product evidence, which are the most important sections since they have not yet been graded. The portfolio content will be graded by the teachers, but it will also be used as a visual aide during the first round of the FasTrak presentation.


Main FasTrak Page Should Include:

  1. Description of the Junior Internship and Mentor
  2. Mission Statement for the Junior Year
  3. Letter of Introduction to the Judges – This is a formal business letter with the purpose of introducing the student, his/her portfolio, and his/her product to those who will be reading the portfolio. It will be found as an introduction to the online portfolio.
  4. Activity Log – Dates of all work completed for the junior project with verification evidence in the form of screen captures of revision histories, photos, links to dated evidence, and/or digital signatures.
  5. Rehearsal Video of Junior Presentation
  6. Two Quality Control Spreadsheets – These are a reflection of the student’s CIBACS work throughout the year, including commentary on when the assignments were turned in and suggestions that were made for improvements by the quality control partners.

Work Preparation Page(s) Should Include:

  1. Work Samples – The student will reflect on the accomplishments in his or her own life and develop three work samples that reflect what the student has accomplished. The work samples should display the student’s talent, creativity, and/or originality. They may be related to athletics, education, work experience, artistic prowess, or a number of other talents. Above all, the work samples should demonstrate what abilities the student has to offer a company.
  2. Cover Letter for Résumé – This business letter accompanies the résumé and explains the student worker’s purpose, goals, and qualifications in relation to the job he or she will be observing.
  3. Résumé – Documentation of work, school, and extracurricular experiences related to the upcoming work observation will be compiled by the student in a professional résumé. The student should also mention awards and honors in this document.
  4. Job Application – The student completes a job application, preferably one that is used at the place of business where he or she plans to observe. If not, any application from a related company will be sufficient.

Work Experience Page(s) – Links Should Include:

  1. Interview Evaluation Form – The student is interviewed at the start of the internship and this form is completed.
  2. Hours Confirmation Form – The mentor must sign each time a student completes hours. A minimum of ten hours is required.
  3. Intern Evaluation Form – At the completion of all of the student’s hours, the mentor ranks the student in several areas on this form.
  4. Evidence of Work Experience – Work Experience Evidence is notes, photos, pamphlets, video files, software captures, etc. that can be used as evidence that the student completed the minimum ten hours of work experience at a job site. These documents be completed over several weeks during the internship.
  5. Process Research Paper – The students will research a process related to their internship and explain how to perform the process correctly through a speech which incorporates visual aids. The Process Research Paper must include a Works Cited Page and MLA citations.
  6. Work Experience Journals – The student describes his or her observations and experiences at the workplace. When the entries are complete, they should be at least five pages in length, typed (12-point font), and double-spaced.

Product Evidence Page(s) Should Include:

  1. Product Description – The Product Description includes four parts: a detailed description of what the parts of the product are (a poster, a video, a demonstration, etc.), of the effort involved in creating the product (hours on each part of the product and setbacks), of materials (cost of items and how and where they were acquired), and of the learning stretch (skills and knowledge acquired). See the product description handout for more details.
  2. Product Evidence – Include final product evidence: photos, PowerPoint(s), DVD’s. Include planning evidence: sketches, notes, emails from mentor, research information. Include process evidence: rough drafts, photos, software screen captures, video.

Important Handouts
Portfolio Checklist
Portfolio Rubric
Product Description Instructions
Product Description Rubric
Portfolio Sample Questions

Grading Criteria – Portfolio and Product Rubric

Does the portfolio meet the following criteria?

  1. Complete: Are all of the assignments above included?
  2. Neat: Are there clean, organized copies and scans of the content?
  3. Mechanically Correct: Punctuation, grammar, spelling, and sentence structure will be graded.
  4. Professional in Appearance: Is the website attractive? Is the appearance of the portfolio neat, organized, and attractive?
  5. Completed in a Timely Manner: Were the assignments completed on time throughout the year? Was the final work created over time or all within the last week before it was due?
  6. Evidence of Completion by Student: Is there strong evidence that all the work was completed by the student and not another person?