BIBACS Contact Form
Welcome to the CIBACS staff page. We would like to thank every member of the staff for providing us with this incredible and educational program. Without your volunteer support we would not be where we are today.
Program Information – Please complete the CIBACS contact form.
CIBACS Foundation Volunteers
President: Jennifer Robertson
Secretary: Jaymie Wright
Business Liaison: OPEN
Community & Business Liason: Jim Duncan
Treasurer: Brian Hershfield
Edison Parent Liaison: Kelly Prouty
Hospitality Coordinator: Michelle Stanley & Jen Cox
Senior Parent Rep: Jaime Blake
Junior Parent Rep: OPEN
Sophomore Parent Rep: Julie Hershfield
Freshman Parent Rep: OPEN
CIBACS Faculty Liason: Lori Chlarson
Faculty Webmasters:
Brian Boone and Jason Bronkar
Edison High School Faculty
English 1: Lissie Barro
English 2: Lori Chlarson
English 3: Jason Bronkar
English 4: Lissie Barro
World Geography: Josh Bammer
World History: Chris DeStefano
US History: Brian Boone
Gov/Econ: Josh Bammer/ Chris DeStefano